Reseiclo Supportive Training

  • What training do we provide

    Each learner has a weekly plan of the days they will be coming to work, which can be altered as needs be, but the intention is to empower and support individuals to gain experience by being part of a day-to-day working environment.

    Safety shoes are provided along with other safety clothing, each person has their own locker to store their personal items in. Breaks and lunchtimes are taken in the small meeting room/canteen, where individuals will have a personal mug (with their face on it) and storage for any dietary requirements are provided. Foods can be kept in the fridge until microwave or supervised cooking/preparation can take place.

    The type of work varies and the aim is to help individuals recognise their own strengths, within a supportive learning environment where individuals feel safe and valued.

    Carers/parents and Social Workers are encouraged to join in intially to see and work in the environment in order to establish constructive relationships. We recognise that not everyday is perfect and everyone is different in they needs.

    Trainees are asked about their preference to undertaking activities in the workshop from that day's list, and/or to be acting as ambassadors within the community for external activities, like shed installation, community fairs, etc.

    There is a first aider on site at all times to ensure basic medical attention is provided, and the guardians are always inform of any incidents that may occur. Accident/Incident forms are completed.

Other Training

  • Construction for Beginners

    Over the years we have provided classes on how to make Bird boxes and Hedgehog homes in schools and for groups of people who never had an opportunity to work with wood or their hands.

    If you have an idea for a class, contact us to discuss how we can help you put it together. We have room for a maximum of 20 learners working in groups of 4-5.

Require Supportive Training

  • Contact the Reseiclo Training team on 07967 525224 or email or use this form below:

    We'll never share your email with anyone else.